Social Worker available in our Burnie Office

Women’s Legal Service Tasmania welcome Dawn to our Burnie office.  Dawn is a social worker with a wealth of experience in many different areas of practice in both the north-west and King Island communities.

We asked Dawn to tell us more about what social workers do.  Dawn said “This is a big question and many social workers will answer this differently. Simply, we do many things in many areas!

For example, you might see us in hospitals, schools, community health, mental health settings, Child Safety, Centrelink, Government and in non-Government agencies, like Women’s Legal Service. We go where we are needed! Some of us are in private practice, and some like myself work in an agency setting, like in this office.

In whatever area, we work along-side our clients, supporting them through their journey, and encouraging them to make the best choices for them. We help them approach problems from different angles – we look at the many factors that impact on their life, and help to empower them to navigate their way forward at times when this may be difficult for them.

You could say our mission is to enhance well-being, as we help meet basic and complex needs, and our focus is on those who are particularly vulnerable.

At Women’s Legal Service, my role as a social worker is to help clients get through the legal process.  I can also help them to make longer term connections to other services in the community for additional and ongoing support.”

If there is something that Dawn can help you with, call our Burnie office on 6419 7050, or call our telephone advice line on 1800 682 468.

Photo from Burnie City Council website (